Create Interactive Maps With the Google Maps in Minutes


Create Interactive Maps With the Google Maps in Minutes

Interactive Maps With the Google Maps in Minutes

I have been searching around for interactive google maps which can collect user data and display over map but i couldn’t find anything. What i found is complicated designs, codes and no downloadable tutorials. So i started working on my own interactive maps using my own php mysql map code & the result is amazing, you can check out the demo first before going forward. The code i made is very simple and without using any third party sites OR API.

I have seen google which uses election polling via interactive kind of thing and was too curios about making it own. So the code i developed doesn’t use session to avoid showing form everytime you check the demo, you can skip it adding your own sessions so it won’t display for returning visitors. You can also add some extra inputs with your own ideas and requirements.

Once the visitor visits the page it will ask visitor to share info such as Name, City, Occupation & Picture. Once user press the submit button it stores the data in database and Google map uses its city & country to locate user on Map. It also shows other info (Name, Occupation, Location & Image).

Make sure you put comments if you need something to get sorted.

I hope this tutorial will help you to built your own Interactive Maps with Google Maps, Quickly Try a demo and download source code.

The Code is too long to explain, just download and enjoy!!!

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sachinghare administrator

    2 Comments so far


    sumitPosted on7:42 am - May 24, 2016

    download file curated or in unknown formatted

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